Omg Harry Potter 6 Trailer is here today!

July 29, 2008 at 10:43 am (Movie, Random) (, , , , , , , , , , )

The Harry Potter 6 trailer is supposed to be online today. I’ll hunt for it later since I can’t now but there’s other exciting news. There’s a picture of the young Tom Riddle out now and he is being played by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin which is actually the nephew of Ralph Fiennes who plays Voldemort in the films. That’s pretty cool, I mean wouldn’t you love your uncle forever if he got you that kind of gig? He’s a cute little kid but he also has that “I’m evil” look in his eyes. I guess you could find that in any 10-year-old if you tried hard enough though lol.

Anyways there’s also a picture of Dumbledore that’s been released. As you can see he’s fighting with some fire spell which is probably being used against the Inferi. Yay Dumbledore kicking some ass! Haha I’ve been disappointed with the 2nd pick for Dumbledore ever since the first one died. I always thought they should’ve used Sir Ian McKellen since he’s that happy old guy that reminds me exactly of what Dumbledore should be. Back to what I was saying, I hope the current Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) does his character well in the fight scene at the end of the movie.

I will definitely keep an eye out for the trailer today and be sure to post it ASAP. Oh and make sure you go see the new Mummy 3 this weekend because it’s supposed to have the trailer as well :D.

Edit: Here‘s the link for the trailer.


  1. Christine said,

    Looks like it’s coming on at 9 tonight. Here’s a quote from Mugglenet:

    “Now finally, after a delay that didn’t meet past Potter release schedules, the teaser trailer for Half-Blood Prince will be released tonight at 9 PM EST on AOL. ”

    Btw, I don’t really like the new Dumbledore, but I do like him a lot better than the first one who played him. Well, not to be mean, but the first one looked old and decrepit.

  2. greencs said,

    That’s true but I mean he did die soon afterwards. I really hated when the new director made the new Dumbledore practically throw Harry in the 4th movie. That would so never happen. If I was Rowling I would be pissed about it.

  3. Matthew said,

    Gogo flamey death Dumbledore, and yay evil 10 year olds, but yeah, not that hard to find an evil 10 year old, it’s pretty much part of nature.

  4. Christine said,

    Trailer’s up!

  5. greencs said,

    I know 😀
    and oh yes 10 year olds…completely evil to the core 😉

  6. Harry Potter 6 Trailer ftw! « GreenCS’s Weblog said,

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